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What They Didn't Tell You
/Black Women For Health
Black moms in the US face a dire reality—3 times more likely to die from pregnancy than white moms, a result of healthcare racism. Popular pregnancy books don't cover what Black moms really need to know, putting their lives at risk. A Black dad-to-be had a game-changing idea while prepping for fatherhood: a free book jacket packed with crucial info for Black women during pregnancy, birth, and beyond. It's a lifeline and an entry to the Black Women Wellness online support hub. This resource empowers Black moms to fight for a safer pregnancy and, ultimately, their lives.
→ Other Projects
→ In Transit /Callen-Lorde + MTACampaign
→ Distracted Goalkeeper /UberPR Stunt
→ Life Models /NPOASEvent + OOH
→ Mansplaining Heart Attacks /HealthyWomanPrint + OOH
→ Toxic Portraits /HorizonCampaign
→ 2:39 /MitsubishiCampaign
→ The Art of Self Care /DoveCampaign
→ The Invisible Launch /C6 BankCampaign
→ Promoción GO PERU /GOLPromo & Stunt
renan bulgari
creative director /art
BR (11) 99361 2629 US (347) 446 6167